How Regular artists use this
shortcut and transform their
Portrait paintings in under 12 months

This method allows you to follow structured exercises which give you clear art direction and help improve your art much quicker!

The progress of our student Aishwar

in only 8 months



The struggle of the regular artist

Imagine having the desire to draw something beautiful

You grab your stylus and start sketching…

But after a couple of minutes you realize that the beautiful image that you were looking for is completely different than the one you’re seeing on the screen.

The inspiration slowly drains out of you, you don’t like what you’ve drawn. You feel frustrated so you put
the stylus down.

Your work is never as good as you imagine it to be

You feel lost, you don’t know what to draw, so you leave drawing for “later” and procrastinate with browsing social media.

You start watching random tutorials which all give you different advice and that makes you feel even more overwhelmed.
Everyone seems to be doing better than you.

This leads to a downward spiral, you start doubting yourself and pretty soon you’re questioning
“Is art even for me”?

Comparing yourself to Others

In the meantime, you see all these other artists on social media creating beautiful artwork and effortlessly progressing with their art.


You feel inspired by them, but at the same time you almost feel secretly jealous. You want to have the same results. You might even try redrawing their art but it ends up nothing like what you imagined.


What it is that they have that you don’t have?
What’s the difference between
someone who procrastinates with their art and
someone who gets consistent art progress…

Is it talent?

The often false belief is that the major difference
is talent. But working closely with hundreds of artists proves that wrong.

Artists who appear to have no real talent, get to a “wow” level by studying the right things. There’s a missing piece between the regular artist and the one who improves.

That’s why we’re seeing that all artists who’ve improved seem to understand one thing..

discover the #1 thing that holds
you back from improving

are you making the same mistake?

We’ve had the great opportunity to coach hundreds of students from different types of backgrounds and levels, from beginners to advanced, and what we found is that they are all making the same mistake…


They simply focus on the wrong things.
They focus on finding their artstyle, drawing from imagination or being creative. They try those things and when it inevitably doesn’t work, artists get frustrated and blame it on lack of talent.


They keep starting and stopping and their art journey is painful and frustrating. But the reality is that they’ve started backwards. It’s like trying to climb a ladder from the top. Of course it will lead to frustration.


How do you expect for something to not be frustrating if you don’t even know what the initial steps are?

The right way to Learn

What if there was a way for your art experience to be interesting and exciting, almost like a video game?


When you know what you should be doing and you’re working on drawings that are specifically made for your level, it puts you in a flow state, where you enjoy every part of the journey.


Not only that, but spending just 1 or 2 hours a day on the right things will help you progress much more than a full day of random and non-purposeful drawings.


It’s why after talking to many of the most successful artists and helping hundreds of beginners to improve their art, we’re absolutely convinced that The #1 difference between artist who improve and artist who don’t is…



As the basketball player Kyrie Irving says:

Master the fundamentals, so you can forget them.

That means that once you understand these fundamentals deep enough, you can apply them without even thinking.


But if you don’t understand the fundamentals, you’re simply wasting your time with doing the wrong things.

Pointless fundamentals
structured fundamentals

What really are the fundamentals?

You might’ve heard the word “fundamentals” but nobody ever tells you what you need to exactly be doing in order to learn those fundamentals.


Having random words thrown at you like Perspective, Color or Anatomy doesn’t really do much, than overwhelm you. If there’s no structure or guidance on how to study these fundamentals, they are pointless.


It’s like having the ingredients for a meal but not having the recipe.




what's the secret?

A huge mistake that we kept seeing in every artist is that they were trying to learn everything at the same time.


Jumping from Perspective to Color, then randomly to Anatomy, never fully understanding any of them. This leaves most artists feeling completely lost


But they don’t understand that the secret is to learn the fundamentals step by step.


Each fundamental should follow the previous one. It’s like climbing a ladder, you can’t skip any steps or you will fall. And to succesfully get to the top, you always need to start from the bottom.


Are the fundamentals for you?

You might’ve been reading so far and thinking, yeah that makes sense, of course you need these fundamentals in order to improve but..


I want to draw anime, or…
I want to draw stylized portraits, or..
I want to draw characters, it’s different..
but guess what, it’s not.


That’s why they are called fundamentals, because they are primary principles on which everything else is based on. They always come first.




It doesn’t matter what type of an artist you are:


Where to start from?

Not only did we find the missing piece to improving your art but we also found the exact exercises and steps that you need to take in order to get there.


A battle-tested method that has worked for hundreds of people and it will work for you too.



The Proven Shortcut
that has helped 100s of artists transform their art

From years of personally coaching hundreds of people 1 on 1, we’ve developed a portrait painting program that allows struggling artitsts to improve like never before.


A step-by-step method that’s easy to follow and helps breakdown even the hardest of concepts…


Wth guidance on every single step along the way. WITHOUT the years of trial and error our instructor went through in order to figure out how works for getting your art better.

With all the videos, exercises, references, livestreams, psd files, and workbook pdfs to save hours of time and mental energy..

Our instructor has taken everything he’s learned.. boiling down every single concept, insight, and idea worth sharing into the first-ever program that covers the science of portrait painting.


Portrait Accelerator reveals a proven 11-exercise method that turns you from a lazy struggling artist into a dedicated warrior and provides you with consistent art progress.


If you’re an artist who’s looking to improve their portrait drawings and paintings, this is a shortcut that will save you years of frustration.

Meet Your Instructor

Instructor of the portrait accelerator course

Angel ganev


The beginning

It was his League of Legends obsession that pushed Angel to pursue art. He bought his first tablet in 2011 but got majorly dissapointed when he tried painting digitally for the first time, it was nothing like what he imagined. Angel threw his new tablet in the cupboard and went back to gaming.

Taking Art Seriously

Realizing that his video game hobby had turned into an addiction he decided to quit in 2013. With now plenty of free time, the only other thing he could possibly think of doing was drawing.


He started watching online tutorials, reading artbooks, and even tried going to art classes a few times but he gave up soon after. None
of those things gave him the clear direction he was looking for.

The 3 year challenge

Graduating from high school in 2015, Angel felt completely lost. He didn’t know what he wanted to do in life but he knew it should be connected to painting. Art school didn’t seem like the right path for him so he decided to take the journey of the self-taught artist.


Realizing that he needed a goal, a schedule, something to follow, he put a daily challenge for himself and in the span of 2015-2018 completed over 1200 finished paintings.

The beginning

It was his League of Legends obsession that pushed Angel to pursue art. He bought his first tablet in 2011 but got majorly dissapointed when he tried painting digitally for the first time, it was nothing like what he imagined. Angel threw his new tablet in the cupboard and went back to gaming.

Taking Art Seriously

Realizing that his video game hobby had turned into an addiction he decided to quit in 2013. With now plenty of free time, the only other thing he could possibly think of doing was drawing.


He started watching online tutorials, reading artbooks, and even tried going to art classes a few times but he gave up soon after. None
of those things gave him the clear direction he was looking for.

The 3 year challenge

Graduating from high school in 2015, Angel felt completely lost. He didn’t know what he wanted to do in life but he knew it should be connected to painting. Art school didn’t seem like the right path for him so he decided to take the journey of the self-taught artist.


Realizing that he needed a goal, a schedule, something to follow, he put a daily challenge for himself and in the span of 2015-2018 completed over 1200 finished paintings.

Swipe Left To See The Full Story

What Other Artist Say
About Angel

Sam Does Arts

Angel’s a wonder artist and it’s been amazing seeing his growth and following his journey. I’m excited to see him share his knowledge and experience with other artists.

Sam Does Arts

Ergo Josh

Angel Ganev is a super dedicated artist, I couldn’t help but admire the intense work he put into his daily portraits. I believe anyone learning from him will find his teachings massively helpful.

e r g o j o s h

Ross Draws

Angel’s one of the most consistent, hardest working artist out there. His dedication to his craft and students is on another level.

Ross Draws

What’s Waiting For You Inside
Portrait Accelator

Here’s how the Course Works

Portrait Accelator provides you everything you’ll ever need on your art journey.

Proven Process

Follow battle-tested exercises that will teach you everything you need to know about painting portraits. These exercises didn’t just come out of nowhere, they came out of experience from coaching hundreds of people. Through this feedback we developed a set of exercises that are proven to guide you throughout your journey.


These 10 exercises are designed to put you in a video game like experience, not too hard so you quit, but not too easy so you get bored – just enough to keep you challenged and entertained.


Each exercise follows an interconnected step by step plan, along with hand-picked references which you can follow. No more staring at a blank canvas, wondering what you need to do. Going through this proven process will set the foundations for your art journey.

Doodle Community

Having an art buddy is just one click away.! Enter the DoodleWarriors’ Discord community and surround yourself with like-minded people that are on the same mission as you.


You will be able to study alongside artists that are on the same level and also improve by communicating to others that are more experienced than you.


Keep yourself accountable. Share your progress and receive constructive feedback that will absolutely skyrocket the speed at which you learn. The journey is more fun when you’re not alone.

Warrior Mindset

Through countless hours of coaching artists just like you, we’ve understood that MINDSET is just as important as learning the actual fundamentals of drawing. 


Without the right mindset you can easily get trapped into negative thinking, which will lead to you constantly quitting and restarting your art journey.


We’ll show you how to break free from the limiting beliefs that are holding you back and we will help you uncover a whole new way of looking at art.

50+ Hours Of Content

You will get access to 50+ hours of no B.S structured video lessons. These lessons were created by analyzing and working closely with hundreds of our students. Not just impractical theory, but actionable advice that can immediately be applied.


By constantly adapting the content through our students’ feedback, we’ve also discovered the most common mistakes that you could make and exactly what you need to do in order to avoid them.

student results

Alexus Bosco

“Every other tutorial out there is really hard to navigate, so I really appreciate the structure and the clarity with Portrait Accelerator

Meet Alexus, she was working a dead end 9 to 5 and didn’t have any art background before joining Portrait Accelerator.


She knew from the start that it’s not necessary to be talented and you simply need to invest the time and dedication to become a great artist.


However it was really hard for her to find the right tutorials online until she stumbled upon Angel’s YouTube channel.


This lead to her buying her first graphics tablet and joining the Portrait Accelerator Course. Shortly after finishing the course she started doing commissions and she is now also mentoring other students.



Varun Singh

“The course not only helped me to improve my painting but it also provided me with a goal to work towards

Meet Varun, he joined the course in August 2020 and he is now on the fast track to reach his goal of becoming a freelance illustrator.


He explained that the course itself is an essential tool to keep him motivated. Seeing the progress and finishing each lesson really motivated him to work even harder.


By going through the course his mindset about art also changed. He understood that art is not something only talented or gifted people can do and everything you need to get better is a goal and clear steps on how to reach it.



Breno Pontes

“After the course my art improved a lot and it keeps improving, because I learned how to practice”

Meet Breno, he is working as a software engineer and drawing in his spare time.


Before joining Portrait Accelerator Breno had the desire to improve his art but felt lost as to what he should start practicing first.


He was not happy with the results and the little to no progress he was making, made him feel even more demotivated.


Joining the course helped him improve his art a lot by providing him with a structured practicing schedule.

He learned the skill to be in control while painting and to be able to apply what he has on his mind to the canvas.



Level Up Your Art Skills
For Less Than The Price Of
1 Week Of Art School

Is Art School Worth It?

Do you know what is the cost of going to art school for a year? We’ve seen it average anywhere from $25,000 to $55,000. For a single academic year!


Artists take out loans for art school and get into debt that often takes a lifetime to repay.
In return they receive a paper that supposedly can get them a job. However, artists are often forced to work non-art related jobs or even stay unemployed.


That’s because being an artist is not like any other profession. Companies and clients don’t care about your degree, they care about your skills.

for just $297 or less than 83 cents a day

We don’t give you a degree, or even promise you a job, what we do give you is a.. Proven method for you to quickly, easily, and inexpensively LEVEL UP your art skills without any of the typical guess work or years blind trial and error.


Instead of paying $30,000 for one single year of art school, which is $576 per week, for just $297 or less than 83 cents a day. You’ll get instant access to the entire Portrait Accelerator and all of the bonuses below

By Joining Today
You’ll Also Receive Instant
Access To 6 Awesome Bonuses
Worth Over $2000

Bonus 1

Set Up Video

Ever wondered what brushes, tablet or software you need to be using? In this 1 hour Set Up video we’ll go over all the tools that you’ll need to complete the course.


We’ll take a look at the different options for art software and decide which will be best for you. There will also be a quick tutorial on understanding the basics of layers, brushes, shortcuts and how to speed up your painting process.




Original price



Bonus 2

20+ Detailed PDFs

Every video lesson includes a PDF summary and gives you a clear breakdown of the each concept. These PDFs are going to help you quickly get to the important points of each video.


Packed with detailed process images and explanations, the PDFs will help you skim through when you need a quick reminder of how something must be done. You will be able to download them on your device or even print them out for a quick and convenient access.


Original price



Bonus 3

Reference Library

References are an essential part to improving your art, no matter how advanced you are. They provide you with an instant insight as to what you’ve been doing wrong. Using references can shortcut your art improvement by years.


Each lesson has specific references attached. We don’t just provide you with the references, we show you how to use them and how to get the most out of them. Receive over 300 hand-picked references that have taken over 5 years to collect.


Original price



Bonus 4

Mindset Video

We’ve found that simply telling someone “work hard” or “practice” isn’t enough. Often times artists have the wrong mindset on how to approach their art. This leads to frustration, procrastination, and even feelings of giving up.


Discover the mindset of the successful dedicated artist and how anyone can transform themselves into a warrior. In this 1 hour Mindset video we’ll take a look at all the things that are holding back artists and we’ll show you the exact steps of how to transform yourself.

Original price



Bonus 5

Livestream Library

While coaching for the past 2 years, Angel and our other coaches have been livestreaming every week and giving personal feedback for students just like you.


Get access to over 400+ hours of livestream recordings where our coaches are critiquing students’ drawings and overpainting their work.

This alone will answer all of the art questions you ever had. See the work of hundreds of other students, watch their work get overpainted and how they progressively got better each week. The Livestream Library will keep growing as new livestream recordings are added each week




Original price



Bonus 6

Lifetime Access

This course was developed by talking and coaching thousands of artists. That’s why we never stop improving it. The more students and coaches we have, the more we understand the science behind transforming someone from a regular artist into a dedicated warrior.


Portrait Accelerator will be constantly updated with extra references, videos, PDFs and all other types of materials. It’s a never ending process, you improve and we improve with you. When purchasing the course, you purchase a lifetime access to it, along with all the updates that will come in the future as well.




Original price



365 Day Money Back

Our 365-Day Guarantee gives you a full year to try out the course, risk-free. We are so confident that you will get results that we give you an entire calendar year to complete the course and implement the teachings.

Click “Join Portrait Accelerator Now” To Get Instant Digital Access



What you’ll get when you try
“portrait Accelerator


If you would like to seriously level up your art by following a step by step method at your own pace and joining a community of passionate artists then you are definitely a good fit.


It doesn’t matter what type of an artist you are:
• Beginner Artist
• Advanced Artist
• Hobbyist
• Comicbook Artist
• Anime/Manga Artist
• Graphic Designer
• Character Development Artist
• Someone who’s never even touched a tablet


Studying the fundamentals in the right order can save tons of time and provide a shortcut in your art journey.

The approach and techniques we teach in Portrait Accelerator are fundamental to artists that are just getting started and we have proven that they are the stepping stone to improving your art.

The only difference between you and someone that has prior experience will be the speed at which you advance throughout the course.

Having years of experience doesn’t necessarily mean you’re advanced. Often people stop and restart their art journey multiple times, and at the end have little to show for it.

But even if you’re a professional artist already working, these fundamentals are guaranteed to improve your art. Because there’s no such thing as investing too much time in studying the basics.

We have had hundreds of students with years of experience, prior to joining Portrait Accelerator, and they always walk away more skilled than before.

The main objective for the course is portrait painting and drawing. However, we’ve observed that studying these fundamentals improves every aspect of your art.

Studying the portrait is the initial stepping stone to learning figure drawing, face expressions, and character development.

The fundamental lessons, exercises and mindset, that we are teaching you in this course, are applicable to both digital and traditional drawing.

However, the more advanced techniques like shading, color and rendering are specifically made for digital drawing, but you will still benefit from following the exercises.

Most courses only cover the techniques of the artist who’s teaching you. It’s not really applicable for students. 

Portrait Accelerator not only gives you the practical theory, we show you how to apply theory, and then we give you specific exercises and clear instructions on what you need to do in order to understand the theory yourself.

We also provide you with clear criteria on how your work needs to look in every lesson, so you can you can self-critique yourself and measure your progress.

Portrait Accelerator also digs deeper and looks beyond the surface, it develops not only your art, but also your mindset. We teach you the full stack.

The time it takes you to go through the full course, will depend on both how much time you invest into it and your prior experience.

We’ve had students graduate it anywhere from 6 months to 15 months.

However, we encourage students NOT to rush, because moving to the next lesson without mastering the previous one, will lead to frustration and bad results.  It’s not about the destination, it’s about the journey.

Portrait Accelerator covers absolutely everything you require in order to learn portrait painting and master the art fundamentals, no matter your skill level.

However, we don’t cover figure drawing, drawing expressions, or creating characters. We believe all that comes after you understand the basics. And so often people get to the advanced steps without understanding the fundamentals.

No, we cover all the tools and equipment you’d require, inside the course.

You will immediately be granted access to the course Dashboard where you can start watching the video lessons and be able to download all the resources that come with them.

We’re so confident you’ll love the way this course helps you learn the art fundamentals (even if you’ve got limited time), with real action plans and step-by-step detail, that we offer a 365-day money-back satisfaction guarantee.

We’ll promptly refund every cent if you complete the course within 365 days of purchase, complete the action items and you still don’t see any results.

For full details of our refund policy, please read the section “Refund Policy – Portrait Accelerator” in the Terms & Conditions page.

If you fully dedicate yourself to studying and practicing what Portrait Accelerator teaches, you won’t ever find the need for an “art certificate” as your portrait paintings will be the real example and certificate of what you have accomplished. This is why we don’t find the need to provide certificates to our students.

You will be able to watch the livestream recordings, however to attend the livestreams and send your art for critiques you will need to be an active Patron for DoodleWarriors.

You will be able to pay through Credit/Debit Cards, PayPal and a few local payment methods that are 100% secure and safe.

Once you enroll in the course, you will receive lifetime access to all tutorials, exercises, PDF’s, PSD’s and all bonus libraries. You will be able to access them 24/7 from all of your devices.