{{customer_first_name}}, Congrats on starting this artistic journey!🎉

Thanks for jumping on board with our Essential course…

However, before we finalize your order I’ve got a special “thank you” gift for you.

This is a gift exclusively for the new artists who signed up for Essential… and it’ll be presented just one time.

Check this out:

Through this page only…

You can join our Doodle Warrior Academy for 2 months… and get one month for FREE.

Normally, to get 3 months of our Academy you would have to pay $87 ($29 monthly)…

But if you join through this page, you’ll get 3 months of access for just  $58.

That’s $29 less than what everyone else has to pay.

(NOTE: If you already know you don’t want this, just scroll down and hit “No, thanks” to finalize the order.)

Joining the Academy is like entering my mind and stealing all my 10+ years of experience in digital art.

I’m spilling the beans on everything I’ve ever discovered during my art journey—no holding back.

Believe it or not… the Doodle Warrior Academy is the express lane to becoming a professional artist.

If you join our Academy today, you’ll immediately get access to:

It’s…hands down… one of the most valuable things I’ve ever created.

It took me 4 solid years of refinement to get it to where it is right now. (I challenge you to find another course that has this much effort and value poured into it.)

  • First — You’ll learn how to draw a natural-looking male portraits. (If you follow the steps… you’ll usually get it done in under 20 lines. Seriously.)

  • Second — You’ll dive into drawing a captivating female portrait. Yes, because female faces are harder for some sneaky reasons you’ll see in the course.

What you can expect to draw after the first 8 lessons. Pretty cool, huh?

  • Third — You’ll discover my personal 6-color principle… much more practical and less overwhelming than the traditional color theory.

And finally… we’ll show you how to combine it all together and create jaw-dropping portraits like these:

Ouch… Breno might just steal my portrait throne! 😁

“As someone who was working two jobs… it made the whole process a lot easier.” — Scott

Ever feel that something is missing in your portraits… but you can’t understand what?

(Oh boy, that feeling was the main villain of my art.)

Well, Portrait Bootcamp will help you with that.

It’s a weekly series of live streams. During it, pro digital artists (myself included) enhance the portraits of our doodle warriors with our “street smart” secrets.

Like steroids… but for drawings.💪

And yes, you’ll also have the chance to get personalized feedback for your drawings during our live streaming.

You’ll unveil all the little subtleties that can transform a good portrait into a masterpiece.

And let me tell you, there’s no place quite like Portrait Bootcamp to get your hands on this treasure trove of knowledge.

For example;

Can you spot the tweak to make this portrait even better?

It’s this; 

The cast shadowing here (under the nose), you really wanna merge this… instead of making it a whole different plane.” — me, during the streaming.

And even…

How to improve his painting even more? (SPOILER: It’s something about the saturation.)

You’ll never waste time again

You won’t sit through hundreds of videos just to find one useful piece of advice…

Every single video in the Doodle Warrior Academy gets you closer and closer to being a pro digital artist

Thousands of students have already walked this path… and many are now making a living through their art while conveying their stories.

If you’re thinking that joining the Academy will be amazing… well, frankly, it’ll be. But this is just the beginning!

Indeed, in the Academy, you’ll even get;

This is NOT your typical anatomy lesson from a dusty old textbook.

Look… I think the most effective (and funniest) way for an artist to learn anatomy is by drawing.

And that’s where Figure System comes in.

It’s a 50-minute, practical training that will show you how to draw 3D dynamic figures like this:

  • The “Rotation” trick… do it right, and your drawings will feel much more dynamic — instead of flat and static. (at 3:31)

  • One thing you MUST do if you want your drawing to convey movement. (at 15:54)

  • The 2 most important points of the body to draw an almost perfect back pose. (at 34:28)

  • And more…

It’s a weekly livestream series where I and other pro artists take the drawings of our doodle warriors to the next level.

And if you want, we’ll take your figures to the next level too — all with tailored advice.

For example:

  • Look here: we’re showing the “small bump on the shoulder” that nearly every artist forgets to draw.


  • And over here: we’re showing a few subtleties for the back muscle that the drawing was missing.

(It has something to do with drawing less to make the back look more natural.)

And last but not least, if you join Doodle Warrior Academy… you’ll also get our newest course; “Styles.”

In this bonus course, we’ll dive deeper into the art of stylization.

You’ll discover how to explore different art styles and find the perfect one for you.

Wanna see a little sneak peek?

In the first lesson you’ll discover the biggest problem artists have about stylization;

For example, if you wanna make big, cute eyes…you can’t just make the eyes bigger. Otherwise, you’ll end up with something uncanny, like this:

I can feel something is wrong in this portrait.

That’s because you have to think about the features as a big group. 

It’s not the eyes that get bigger… but the nose and the chin that get smaller.

Anyway, you’ll get all these gold insights in Style.

And because I’m all about giving you the tools I wish I had as an aspiring artist…

Through this page, you’ll also get…

30-Day Evolution Guarantee

I guarantee you that you’ll get better and better after every single lesson of the Doodle Warrior Academy.

And in the remote case you don’t, you’ll get a full refund down to the last cent.

And yes. You can even watch all the videos in the Academy, ask for a refund on the 29th day… and get the refund.

I do NOT want your money if the Academy won’t make you extremely better at digital art.

This is a one time offer, and I’ll never show you this web page again.

A quick recap;

If you join the Doodle Warrior Academy for two months… you’ll get:

  • One Month Of Access For Free
  • Portrait System — The process of drawing jaw-dropping portraits.
  • Portrait Bootcamp — Like steroids, but for your portraits.
  • Figure System — Create dynamic figures that convey movement.
  • Figure Bootcamp — Get tailored advice to take your figures to the next level.
  • Styles course — The path to creating your unique art style people will admire.
  • Plus… 30-Day Evolution Guarantee

What everyone else has to pay: $87

What you pay: $58

I’m soooo proud that our Academy has helped artists get these kinds of results:

“I had experience drawing with a pencil, but I had never tried digital art before the DW Academy.” — Varun

Hizachi, you’re just mind blowing🤯

Ready to take the express lane to becoming a professional digital artist?🚄

To get immediate access to the Academy for 3 months, click “Yes, I wanna join the Academy”

Otherwise, click “No, thanks, I don’t want to take advantage of this one-time offer”

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